Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Burial Form 

The application must be fully completed and submitted Seventy-two (72) hours prior to the requested date of interment. It must be accompanied by an original copy of the Death Certificate and an original burial permit. If coming from out of Town, copies of both can be submitted.  The Original Registration of the Death Certificate can be obtained at:

Contact the  Government of Northwest Territories, Department of Health and Social Services - Vital Statistics at Toll-free: 1-800-661-0830 or Phone: 1-867-777-7400 or Email:  or visit the GNWT website for more information about death certificates.

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Type of Burial
Request Family Closing of Grave
Request Free Burial Cross from the Town
Would you provide an image of the nearby Plot?
Please Attached Original Burial Certificate
Please Attached Copy of Registration of Death Certificate