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Application Form - Road Name Registry

The Naming Committee will meet to review and make decisions about applications received for the Road Name Registry. 

The name of a person must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • A person who demonstrates excellence, courage or exceptional dedication to service in ways that bring special credit to the Town of Inuvik, Northwest Territories or Canada;
  • A person who volunteers and gives extraordinary help or care to individuals, families or groups, or supports community services or humanitarian causes;
  • A person who fosters equality and reduces discrimination;
  • A person who risks their life to save or protect others; and/or
  • A person who achieves a deed or activity performed in an outstanding professional manner or of an uncommonly high standard that brings considerable benefit or great honour to the Town of Inuvik, Northwest Territories or Canada.

The Town of Inuvik encourages that the names to be honoured reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of the community and persons who have made significant contributions to the community.

Names other than a person may reflect a historical event significant to Inuvik.

Names other than a person may recognize the flora and fauna of the local area or the geographical or topographical feature of the local area.

The Town will notify the applicant within 10 days of a decision being made on a request by the Naming Committee to add a name to the Road Name Registry.

To view the complete policy, please visit  




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